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Bluegrass Model Engineers

A Non-Profit Model Engineering Foundation Serving Kentucky

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Bill Jones Wildcat Railroad #2 whistle

Thank you and goodbye!

Bluegrass Model Engineers Disbanding

Thank you for over 5 years of great events. Our primary sponsor is relocating to Dayton, Ohio. The remaining hobbyists in Lexington are not equipped to support public events.

If you are trying to meet Lexington area live steam hobbyists, many of them belong to the Cincinnati Cinder Sniffers, which can be reached at .http://www.cindersniffers.org/


(August 31, 2007)

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3.5 inch gauge train: this train weighs 50-70 pounds, and can be transported in the trunk of a sedan. With suitable railway cars attached it will give rides to three adults.

7.5 inch gauge train: This train requires a truck or trailer to transport, but obviously carries more people.

Here is an example of the "live steaming" segment of the hobby. The engines are fully functional steam locomotives, hand crafted in metal, with many cosmetic items out of scale in order to allow operation and riding.

Here is another example that is categorized variously as "live steaming" or "large scale railroading". In this example the engine may not actually be diesel, but the model is usually hand crafted in metal, and the emphasis is on a functional riding train, not cosmetics.

(c) Entire Site 2005 Bluegrass Model Engineers

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